Time To Blog…

Forgive me, my followers, for my lack of posts. Lately, it seems life has been busier than usual. Even my crafting has taken a hit.

Do you ever feel like that? That if you have to add one more thing to your calendar, you will just scream! Well, go ahead, scream!

My problem is I am a bit of a perfectionist. I was never one of those “list” kind of people, but as I age, I find that making that little list will keep me out of hot water. I even have a reminder on my phone for blogging, which lately I am ashamed to say had to take a back seat to more pressing matters.

We are living in a world full of distractions. It is sometimes okay to put the brakes on and reorganize your activities. My office is usually my place to hang out. Even my dog knows that if he comes into my office, he needs to just “chill.”

That being said, life goes on, and I am going to “pencil in” more time for myself to offset those hectic days. In the future, there will be more trips, more art, more crafting, and more of all the things I love.

You all come back now here! God bless you.

Author: throughmyeyes720

I love art, especially photography and painting. My next addition is crafts or primarily needlecrafts. And as if that was not enough, I am a genealogist.

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